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The fastest way to get a quote with us today is online.
Contact Us On Live Chat
The easiest and quickest way to contact us is to start a Live Chat - our friendly team are on hand to help Monday to Friday 8am-6pm and Saturday 9am-5pm.
If you would like to speak to someone to manage your policy over Live Chat, we can help you:
The Live Chat button will show when we have agents available to assist you.
Renewals | 0330 343 8751 |
Claims | 0330 343 9247 |
Breakdown UK (AXA) Breakdown UK (RAC) | 01737 334 431 0330 013 2072 |
Breakdown Europe (AXA) Breakdown Europe (RAC) | + 44 1737 334431 00 33 475 43 52 55 |
Policies with a start date before 1st September 2024 or policies where breakdown cover was purchased before 1st September 2024
If you have a policy that you took out before 1st September 2024 or have a policy where you purchased breakdown cover before 1st September 2024, your breakdown cover is provided by Inter Partner Assistance S.A. UK (AXA).
The quickest way to make a claim is online.
Alternatively, you can contact them on 01737 334 431 if in the UK or + 44 1737 334431 if you’re in the EU and have opted for EU cover.
Text messaging is available if you’re hard of hearing or have speech difficulties. Please text the word ‘breakdown’ to 07984 434960.
Policies taken out after 1st September 2024 or policies where breakdown cover was purchased after 1st September 2024
If you have a policy that you took out after 1st September 2024 or have a policy where you purchased breakdown cover after 1st September 2024, your breakdown cover is provided by the RAC should you breakdown anywhere in the UK and the EU.
The quickest way to make a claim is online.
Alternatively, you can contact them on 0330 013 2072 if in the UK or 00 33 475 43 52 55 if you’re in the EU and have opted for EU cover.
If you’re hard of hearing or have difficulty speaking, you can access Typetalk by using the telephone prefix 18001 or by texting them on 07855 828282.
Checking if you’re covered
It’s important to check that you are covered, and you can find this information in the policy documents that you received from us.
If you need a copy of your documents, the easiest way is to start a Live Chat.
At Mackenzie Hodgson, our aim is to always exceed your expectations and to get things right, on time, every time. We also recognise that sometimes mistakes can happen and we get things wrong. Telling us you're unhappy is our opportunity to put things right and to learn from our mistakes so we can improve the products and services we offer in the future.
We will always aim to:
You can make your complaint by:
We'll aim to resolve your complaint as soon as possible, normally within three business days, at which point we'll send you confirmation in writing that your complaint has been resolved. On occasions we'll require a bit longer to resolve your complaint
and in this case we'll send you an acknowledgement letter telling you when we hope to reach a decision. We'll then continue to keep you updated on our progress.
Once resolution has been agreed we'll then write to you with our complaint
decision (this is called a final response), it will either be to:
If at the end of the process you remain dissatisfied, you may contact the Financial Ombudsman Service.
The Financial Ombudsman Service can be reached via their website or you can write to them at The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR.
For press and media enquiries, please email [email protected].
Please note, these contact details are for accredited journalists or anyone wishing to obtain company information relating to press issues only. Our press office does not have access to policy information and is unable to handle queries directly from customers.